Health Navigation
For Underwriters
Here’s How Antara’s Health Navigation Can Make a Difference
Loss Ratios
Fewer claimable events
Antara captures visits that would otherwise go to provider
Reduced average cost per visit
Antara identifies patients with inefficient interventions and moves them to more efficient options
We make your most expensive patients less expensive
- Antara captures visits that would otherwise go to provider
- Screening → earlier detection
- Sustained Chronic Condition management
Better Behavior modification
Retention: Increased renewals
Antara’s personalized engagement delights members by delivering:
- Convenience that makes healthcare easy to access, effective, and time-saving
- Patient-centered care that achieves better health outcomes and makes members feel supported
In turn, employers benefits in the following ways which drive renewal:
- Happier, healthier, and more productive teams
- Company reports that offer impactful insight into the health of their employee pool
- Progress and evidence based recommendations employers can use to improve the health of their employee pool
- Contained premium escalation directly attributable to Antara’s Health Navigation service
Underwrite New Market Segments
Deep insight into risk, behavior, & cost trends unlocks underwriting previous impossible segments
Improved Top Line Sales Growth
- Differentiated product with digital convenience, and modern wellness services
- Drive new business with OP only plans that are unparalleled in their level of service delivery